Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Massachusetts 12TH & 13TH Light Batteries

Both of these batteries were at Camp Day for a short time before being transferred to Camp Meigs.

The 12th went in late September of 1862 under the command of Jacob Miller. At first it was intended that Maj. Truchsaes, a former French soldier would be their captain. (1) They were assisted by a recruiting office at 11 court Square in Boston. (2) The recruits received a $313 bounty. (3) They were transferred to Meigs on Nov. 7. (4)

The 13th began recruiting by late October and entered Camp Day by the 25th. (5) They went to Meigs on the 30th. (6)

(1) Boston Evening Transcript. Sep. 24, 1862, Pg. 1
(2) Boston Traveler, Oct. 16, 1862, Pg. 3
(3) Boston Herald, Oct. 28, 1862, PG. 3
(4) Boston Herald, Nov. 8, 1862, PG. 4
(5) Boston Traveler, Oct. 25, 1862, PG. 3
(6) Boston Herald, Oct. 30, 1862, PG. 4


Sunday, August 10, 2014

Correction on "Possible" Camp Cameron Photo

The photo I posted on 3/1/12 is not Camp Cameron in Cambridge/Somerville. I finally found the source, the Medford, MA Historical Society. It was in a book they published; Shadows of the Stars, Volume One of the Images of War 1861-1865. Page 147.

Below it was this: The 7th New York Militia on Review in Camp Cameron, The drill and review were all too new to the recruits in 1861. It would become all to familiar in the years to come." MHS

This would make it Camp Cameron in Georgetown.