Thursday, January 12, 2012


I recently discovered a group that I was unaware of that spent time at Camp Cameron. This was the regimental band for the 9th Regiment. When the regiment left the state the band was not yet ready. Lt. P. W. Black was assigned the task of remaining behind and recruiting this group. He did this at Cameron. He recruited 22 men for the band, which was lead by Michael O'Connor. This fact was reported in the Boston Evening transcript on July 3, 1861. At that time the band was schedualed to join its regiment within the week. (1) This was delayed, which was not uncommon. Records show that Patrick Burns deserted from the camp on July 18. So this group occupied  Camp Cameron from at least July 3, to at least July 18, 1861. (2)
This would have put them in the camp at the same time as the 16th regiment.

(1) Boston Evening Transcript, July 3, 1861, pg. 1
(2) Record of the Massachusetts Volunteers, 1861-1865, Wright & Potter, Printers to the State, pg. 83, 1870.


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