Wednesday, December 19, 2012

A baby is born at Camp Cameron

On August 15, 1861 the Sixteenth Regiment had a very special visitor. According to the Woburn Weekly Budget, of August 23, Neal McLaughlin and his wife, of Woburn, MA, visited her brother. While at the camp Dr. Charles C. Jewett was called to deliver her daughter. The story , which was picked up from the Boston Journal suggested she be named the "Daughter of the Regiment."
It also states that she was born "in one of the soldier's tents, or barracks." This could simple be due to the fact that the writer was not familiar with the camp but it gives one more hint that the camp had some tents. I have found that cooking tents were set up for at least a time. Also during at least some of the "Replacement" phase of the camp it was very crowded. I have found no mention of tents at this time but it would have been a logical solution to the overcrowding, along with furloughing the local recruits.
The book "A Union Town During The Civil War: Woburn, Massachusetts Volume One" by Leon Edmund Basile the baby was named Mary and the uncle her parents visited was Private James McCarron of Co "F". McCarron was 20 years old when he enlisted.


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